EMOTIONALLY FOCUSED COUPLE THERAPY (continuing practice in 2025)
Do you believe that your relationship is as good as it could be ?
Are you feeling that all your needs are met by your relationship ?
Do you feel safe and secure in your relationship ?
Rather than accept second best, help your relationship to be all it can be. People with a safe and secure
emotional bond experience less depression and anxiety than those who feel insecure in their relationship.
The Therapy I use to assist couples build a safe secure attachment is called Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy. Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFCT) has been especially successful with relationship counselling and distinguishes itself in pre-marriage counselling, marriage counselling, couple therapy, and family counselling. Most couple difficulties can be traced to one or both not feeling safe and secure, we all want a positive response to the questions “are you there for me?”,”do I matter to you?”
Psychological research studies have shown Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) to be effective in working with grief and loss, depression, anxiety, stress, and many of the emotionally based impediments to a happier life and happier relationships. EFT can assist working through the devastation of a relationship breakdown should this have occurred already. My work includes pre-marriage counselling, family therapy, couple therapy, relationship counselling, and divorce counselling.
Also group workshops as indicated under Hold Me Tight. People often leave it too late to seek assistance, and reach that point where it is difficult to salvage the relationship, better to seek assistance before the relationship has deteriorated to that extent.
“and the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” AnaÏŠs Nin
EFT Australia is affiliated with and regulated by the following.....